Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak

Guiraca caerulea 

Description: 6-7 1/2" Slightly larger than a House Sparrow, male dark blue with two chestnut wing bars and stout, dark conical bill, female dark buff brown with two buff wing bars, not as rust colored, tail wager occasionally Habitat: Woodland edges, old overgrown fields, thickets, brambles, hedgerows, farmlands, mesquite, orchards, willows near streams and ditches, brushy roadsides. Often seen perching on wires or fences.
Nesting: 4-6 pale blue eggs  in a loose cup of grass, weed stems, and leaves concealed in a clump of weeds Range: breeds from California east to  New Jersey southward, winters in tropics
Voice: sweet, jumbled warble, also a metallic klink Diet: insects, seeds, snails, grain, occasionally fruit
Notes: gather in large flocks in fall to search for food, frequent cowbird host, sometimes uses snakeskin as nesting material, thought to thwart predators
When present in Oklahoma:  resident statewide, year-round

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