Gambel's Quail

Gambel's Quail

Description: 10" a stocky, mainly gray quail with curved black head plume, bold black face and throat on male and chestnut crown, rusty sides with diagonal stripes Habitat: Desert scrublands, thickets along streams, chaparral, scrubby mountain ravines. Found in arid habitat near permanent sources of water. Common. Gregarious. Males often seen calling from open perches.
Nesting: 10-20 buff-colored eggs spotted in a depression lined with  grass and twigs, usually not far above ground in thick shrubbery or mesquite Range: Resident in southwest deserts California east to Oklahoma
Voice: A ringing  puk-kwaw-cah and second syllable highest in pitch Diet: Mostly leaves, plant shoots, insects and fruit
Notes: loves desert climate, found near water in large numbers, gregarious, lives in coveys up to 200 birds large 
When present in Oklahoma: found only in western  part of state,

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