Ladder-backed Woodpecker

Ladder-backed Woodpecker

Picoides scalaris

Description: 7" Barred black-and-white back, strong black-and-white facial pattern, male has red cap, female black cap Habitat:Scrublands at deserts' edge, cottonwood groves and brushy areas along small streams, wooded canyons, brushlands with cactus and mesquite, rural areas, towns, parks. Often feeds on the ground.
Nesting: 4-5 white eggs in a hole in a tree, cacti, posts  Range: Resident of southwest US east  to Oklahoma, south to tropics
Voice:  a sharp pic!, similar to that of Downy Diet: Fruit including especially cactus.
Notes: most numerous of its family in Texas, frequents ranches, city parks
When present in Oklahoma: present year-round in south - southwest part of state

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