Least Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper

Calidris minutilla 

Description: 5 1/2 - 6" smallest American shorebird, brownish above, with yellow to greenish legs, short thin downward curved bill, streaked breast, grayer in  winter, summer: dark brown back, breast has dark streaks ending abruptly at white belly Habitat: Nests on subarctic tundra. In winter on wet muddy areas, grassy areas, wet short grasses of salt marshes, tidal flats, sloughs, muddy lake shores, muddy margins of brackish ponds and creeks, also on sandy or gravel beaches.  Tame
Nesting: 4 pinkish buff-colored eggs in a dry hummock or dry upland habitat Range: breeds from Alaska, Canada, winters across Oregon to southeast US 
Voice:  a clear tweep and often when feeding a soft chuckle Diet: insects, aquatic invertebrates,  seeds, also crustaceans, worms, mollusks
Notes: most likely the tamest of shorebirds, tiny birds, extremely rapid wing beats and zigzag flight.
When present in Oklahoma: seen during spring and fall migration, not thought to be resident bird

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